Thursday, October 28, 2010

Girl playing hard to get...?

I mentioned there was a girl I've been trying to ask out, and since I only know to find her at work, thats where I hafta to do it.

I asked her once and she said she was taking a break from dating, but ask again in a few months. She was very nice about it and we've had a casual conversation so there's friendly enough waters.

Yesterday, I managed to get her as she was getting a DVD checked out for me, I slyly asked if I still had a chance of asking her out. She replied not yet, with a smile. I asked if that meant I still had a chance but she just kept smiling and saying not yet. Finally, she smiled and laughed and cautioned me that I was 'picking' or something.

I backed off and finally got her to admit that I might have a chance if I tried again somewhere in the near future. I said I'd do just that. I love this girl, she's beautiful and I'm totally taken with her. I wondering how I should go from here. Give her room, send some flowers, or just keep lightly pushing the subject..?Girl playing hard to get...?
You need to ask her out a good 3 days in advance. So, stop beating around the bush and say, ';Hey, I'd like us to get together this Saturday. How 'bout it? I can pick you up around 5 ish, and we can go to this restaurant and have Steak or Seafood. How does that sound to you? Blah, blah, blah... use your own terms of course, make your own plans. But try to pin her down one way or the other. How 'bout Sunday? Or would Friday be better? No more wishey-washey...

If she still stalls you, then try again one more time in a coupla weeks. If she turns you down again, then move on.

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