How likely is this girl to dump her boyfriend and go out with me?
How likely is this girl to dump her boyfriend and go out with me?
Is this girl playing with me?
She caught me looking at her butt and she smile! She seems to like me looking at her butt, she jumped in front of the door of a classroom and wiggle her a s s, it was obvious!
She is always flirting with other less attractive guys when I am around!!!
I have ignored her now she is mean to me and when other girls talk to me, she gives me a mean look!
Do you think she still likes me???????
Why would she be mean to me though???
Once, when I talked to a guy across the room, She just said his
name really loud!!! What does it mean!
Do you think I still have a chance with this girl???
She is compeletely ignoring me now so I don't know what to do!
She sometimes still smiles when we make eye contact!
She ignored my friend request on FACEBOOK so does it mean that she is not interested or is she getting back at me for ignoring her?
The Facebook part is ?
1. payback
2. playing hard to get
3. not interested!
Now school started and I found out that she still stares at me and looks away!
Is this girl playing hard to get or what???
I got her jealous and now she wants me even more! Is this girl not worth it or what?
I found out that recently she got a bf so from the above is she doing this to make me jealous!?? What can I do to get back!!! Get a girlfriend or flirt with girls in front of her?How likely is this girl to dump her boyfriend and go out with me?
Speak to her is she speaks to you. Move on. Sounds as if she is playing games with you and games are never fun!How likely is this girl to dump her boyfriend and go out with me?
Do NOT let her play with you like this
by showing her you were into her, she now wants u to WORK for it
u have to pull away far and fast bro
then she will wonder where all the atention went
and women always seem go after the one who LOST interest
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