He gave me his phone number and I've called him a few times, but actually talked to him only three times (the phone's off sometimes). I really want to talk to him, but I don't want to come off as desperate when he sees the missed calls from me come up on his phone (he doesn't call back all the time). I know that people say to play ';hard to get';, but I rarely see him (we don't go to the same school or live close to eachother).
so how can I not act desperate (the missed calls on the phone) and play ';hard to get';, and not let him forget about me in a situation like this? Also add in the fact that there are other girls that are trying to get him for themselves that see him more often than I do.How can I play hard to get without him forgetting about me and ending up with someone else?
Don't play hard to get. Just be good friends first, then see where it goes from there. The best boyfriends start out as friends. Games aren't good, they can end up disastrous.How can I play hard to get without him forgetting about me and ending up with someone else?
Don't play games, just be natural.
i see no advantages to playing games, just be yourself, you dont gain anything by playing hard to get.
don't play hard to get, it's a waste of time, just ask him out
u don't have to play any game and if that guy likes u he will call u and if he don't he wasn't meant for you and you have to move on until u find the right one.
If you like him ask him out!!!!
If he really likes you he won't end up with someone else.
First, you shouldn't play head games like that. You'll end up losing and not understanding why. Just let him know you like him. If he is a player, then walk away, nobody will win. Especially if you like him as much as you think you do. Don't be easy and falling all over him. You can't MAKE someone want to be with you. Just smile, and be happy, and be confident. I hope that's helpful. Good luck.
You already called him now the ball's in his court. Don't make a pest of yourself by continuing the calls or you will appear desperate. If he is really interested, he will call you back.
Honestly got to tell you it;s a stupid foolish idea. Don't, you will lose him to someone else. Girls have the wrong idea it's funny and cute. We guys think you are not interested and are playing rejecting us.
Unless he's a long term bf you've been with for a while, it will fail. Only the @$$hole guys will keep coming after you even when you said no a million times.
Just lyk most girls, im guilty of playing hard 2 get. After playing hard to get 4 d longest time i realized that u dont wanna seem desperate but pllllllzz dont mess wit d guys heart! Dey have feelings 2 even though dey dont lyk 2 show it! Wen my current b/f %26amp; i didnt go out yet i used 2 play all kinds of games. One day he told me how he felt @ d time %26amp; i realized dat guys r just lyk grls! Dey dont wanna grl dats hecka easy to get but dey dont wanna grl dat plays 2 much games either.
Ok leave like three miss calls and DON'T get back to him in a long time. Then when he calls you back pick up the phone he'll probaly ask how your doing just keep the conversation SHORT and say ok I gotta go
could YOU call me back . don't get back to him to at least three days (enough to get him to think about you alot) Then STOP playing afta that
Playing hard to get is a waste of time. and doesn't work. makes you seem uninterested.. Keep calling but not all in a row. try different times, or get your parents or a friend to drive you over to his house and hang out over there.. and if he really likes you he wont care about the other girls that are trying to get him..
dont play hard to get it pisses us off. and we will forget you when we have other options
maybe let him call you for once; but don't play mind games or he might think that your not interested anymore.
I don't get it , why play such silly games? if you like him just go for it.
dont play hard to get,
whats the point.
are you tryin to prove something now?
Start hanging out with the same circle of friends that he does and get yourself noticed.
dont play games just be yourself!
playing games %26amp; playing ';hard to get'; would just make things more confusing %26amp; chaotic. just be urself %26amp; act natural.
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